Wineries and Wine Tasting Rooms

Le Tours (Leavenworth’s Enchanted Tours, LLC)
Sit back and sip your wine and let us do the driving. Wine tastings Included! Visit us online or give us a call to learn about all our wine tour packages.

Cascadia Winery

Award winning wines, including apple wine, and a variety of gifts – specialty foods, candles, wine racks, label removers and more.

Chateau Faire LePont Winery
State-of-the-art, ultra premium winery. Our grapes are hand picked. Producing 5,000 cases a year. Our facility is perfect for weddings and special occasions.

Eagle Creek Winery and Cottage
One of Washington’s newest wineries styled in the old world tradition, offering excellent and unique estate bottled wine and lodging. Tours and wine tasting available. Open weekends and holidays 11-4. All other times call for appointment.

Icicle Ridge Winery
A spectacular log home setting with tours and wine tasting. We welcome you to visit with the winemakers and taste handcrafted wines. Open daily year round 12-5.

La Toscana B&B and Winery
Quiet location six miles east of Leavenworth. We grow our own grapes and operate a small-scale winery. Call for information and tour.

Saint Laurent Winery
Located in Malaga. Please come taste luscious wines, enjoy colorful gardens and beautiful valley views. Our estate grown grapes make extraordinary wines. We host concerts and picturesque weddings.

Silvara Vineyards
Celebrate the grand opening of the Cascade Foothill’s newest winery tasting room!
Delicious wines. Spectacular setting. Picnic facilities. You’ll have a great time! Located 2 miles East of Leavenworth. Open 11-4p.m.

Wedge Mountain Winery
A unique underground wine cellar..a peaceful orchard setting…a small riverside vineyard…come and enjoy our “wines and vines”!

Kestrel Vintners

Our obsession is to create elegant, distinctive wines from our estate vineyards. We cordially invite you to visit and try our uniquely crafted wines. Located in Ganz Klasse.

Leavenworth Tasting Room
Pasek Cellars and Willow Crest offer a complimentary wine tasting experience with their diverse and Award Winning wines from Prosser and Mt. Vernon. Located on Front Street, downtown.

Ryan Patrick Vineyards
Ryan Patrick Vineyards invites you to celebrate with our wines at our tasting room located below Visconti’s Restaurant. Open Daily.

Columbia Cascade Winery Association
Organization to promote the premier wineries of the Columbia Cascade Region.

Cascade Foothills Farmland Association
Keep up to date with farm and winery events, activities, & more at: